System Information and Health

GET “/”

The root endpoint returns a welcome message. This endpoint serves as a basic check to ensure the agent service is running and accessible.


No parameters required.


Returns a JSON response with a welcome message.

    "message": "Agent in the shell"

GET /health

The /health endpoint returns a health check for the agent service.


No parameters required.


Returns a JSON response with a health check.

    "status": "ok"

GET /info

The /info endpoint returns detailed information about the system where the agent is running.


No parameters required.


Returns a JSON response with the system information.

    "last_activity_ts": 1625079600,
    "screen_size": {
        "x": 1920,
        "y": 1080
    "os_info": "Linux 5.8.0-53-generic",
    "code_version": "a1b2c3d4"

The response includes the last activity timestamp (last_activity_ts), screen size (screen_size), operating system information (os_info), and the current code version (code_version).

GET /screen_size

The /screen_size endpoint returns the current screen size of the system where the agent is running.


No parameters required.


Returns a JSON response with the screen size.

    "x": 1920,
    "y": 1080

The response includes the width (x) and height (y) of the screen in pixels.

GET /system_usage

This endpoint retrieves the current system usage statistics.


Returns a JSON response containing the current system usage statistics including CPU, memory, and disk usage percentages.

    "cpu_percent": 23.5,
    "memory_percent": 74.2,
    "disk_percent": 55.3

This endpoint allows you to monitor the health and performance of the system where the agent is running.