Mouse Operations

GET /mouse_coordinates

The /mouse_coordinates endpoint returns the current mouse position on the screen.


No parameters required.


Returns a JSON response with the current mouse coordinates.

    "x": 1024,
    "y": 768

The response includes the x and y coordinates of the mouse position in pixels.

POST /move_mouse

The /move_mouse endpoint moves the mouse cursor to a specified position on the screen.


    "x": 500,
    "y": 300,
    "duration": 2.0,
    "tween": "easeInOutQuad"


  • x (int): The x-coordinate to move the mouse to.

  • y (int): The y-coordinate to move the mouse to.

  • duration (float, optional): The time in seconds over which the movement should occur. Defaults to 1.0.

  • tween (str, optional): The name of the tweening/easing function to use for the movement. Defaults to “easeInOutQuad”.


Returns a JSON response indicating the status of the operation.

    "status": "success"

Possible status values:

  • success: The mouse was successfully moved to the specified coordinates.

  • error: An error occurred while attempting to move the mouse. An additional message field will provide details about the error.

POST /click

The /click endpoint simulates a mouse click at a specified location on the screen or a simple click if no location is provided.


    "button": "left",
    "location": {
        "x": 500,
        "y": 300,
        "duration": 2.0,
        "tween": "easeInOutQuad"


  • button (str, optional): The mouse button to click. Defaults to “left”. Other possible values include “right” and “middle”.

  • location (object, optional): An object containing the coordinates and other optional parameters for moving the mouse before clicking. If not provided, the click occurs at the current mouse location.
    • x (int): The x-coordinate to move the mouse to.

    • y (int): The y-coordinate to move the mouse to.

    • duration (float, optional): The time in seconds over which the mouse movement should occur. Defaults to 1.0.

    • tween (str, optional): The name of the tweening/easing function to use for the mouse movement. Defaults to “easeInOutQuad”.


Returns a JSON response indicating the status of the operation.

    "status": "success"

Possible status values:

  • success: The mouse was successfully clicked at the specified location or at the current location if no coordinates were provided.

  • error: An error occurred while attempting to click the mouse. An additional message field will provide details about the error.

POST /double_click

The /double_click endpoint simulates a double mouse click at the current mouse location.


No parameters required.


Returns a JSON response indicating the status of the operation.

    "status": "success"

Possible status values:

  • success: The mouse was successfully double-clicked at the current location.

  • error: An error occurred while attempting to double-click the mouse. An additional message field will provide details about the error.

POST /scroll

The /scroll endpoint simulates scrolling the mouse wheel.


   "clicks": "int"


Returns a JSON response indicating the status of the operation.

    "status": "success"

Possible status values:

  • success: The scroll action was successfully performed.

  • error: An error occurred while attempting to perform the scroll action. An additional message field will provide details about the error.

POST /drag_mouse

The /drag_mouse endpoint drags the mouse cursor from its current location to a specified location on the screen.


   "x": "int",
   "y": "int"


Returns a JSON response indicating the status of the operation.

    "status": "success"

Possible status values:

  • success: The mouse was successfully dragged to the specified location.

  • error: An error occurred while attempting to drag the mouse. An additional message field will provide details about the error.