Keyboard Operations

POST /type_text

The /type_text endpoint simulates typing text at the current cursor location.


    "text": "Hello, world!",
    "min_interval": 0.05,
    "max_interval": 0.25


  • text (str): The text to be typed.

  • min_interval (float, optional): The minimum interval between key presses. Defaults to 0.05 seconds.

  • max_interval (float, optional): The maximum interval between key presses. Defaults to 0.25 seconds.


Returns a JSON response indicating the status of the operation.

    "status": "success"

Possible status values:

  • success: The text was successfully typed at the current cursor location.

  • error: An error occurred while attempting to type the text. An additional message field will provide details about the error.

POST /press_key

The /press_key endpoint simulates pressing a key on the keyboard.


   "key": "string"


Returns a JSON response indicating the status of the operation.

    "status": "success"

Possible status values:

  • success: The key was successfully pressed.

  • error: An error occurred while attempting to press the key. An additional message field will provide details about the error.